Newborn Survival Hacks: Conquering Each Day Like a Pro

First things first, let me say there is NO rule book when it comes to this parenting thing. Every child is different. I have 3, and the only thing they share in common is that they all know how to cry. They each have their own personalities and provided a different learning experience from birth until today. My children are 7, 4, and 10 months. Welcoming a newborn into your life is an incredible experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. The first few months can be overwhelming as you navigate sleepless nights, diaper changes, feeding schedules, anxiety, wondering if you’re doing it right, and soothing a crying baby. However, with the right strategies and a few handy tricks, you can conquer each day like a pro. In this blog, I will share some newborn survival hacks to help you confidently navigate this beautiful yet demanding journey. Let’s get into it!

Everybody’s Plan Isn’t For You

This one right here is my golden rule. What works for them may not work for you. Don’t feel pressured into following everyone’s advice. Yes, it may have worked for them, but it may not work for you. As I said before, every child is different. Listen to the advice, even give it a try, but if it does not work for you and your baby, move on to something else. The goal is to create a routine that works for you. Your friend’s routine may start at 6am; however, for you and your baby, it may start at 9am. And that is perfectly ok. Having a structured schedule will provide you with a sense of control and stability. Establish regular feeding, sleeping, and playtime routines that work for your baby and fit into your daily life. Consistency is key, as it helps your newborn develop a sense of security and makes it easier for you to plan your day. The more times you repeat your routine, the more your baby will get used to it.

Embrace Co-Sleeping

The majority of people say don’t sleep with your baby, don’t sleep with your baby; they will never get out of your bed. Remember what I said earlier, you have to do what works for you. With that said, I chose to co-sleep with each of my kids. It worked for me because I was breastfeeding and recovering from a C-Section. It was so much easier and less painful for me to roll over and feed my kiddos than having to get up, grab them, and then feed them. With each child, it was less time to get them out of our bed. Our first child was a little over one year old, our second child was about one year old, and our last child was nine months old. We got better with each one. Co-sleeping, when done safely, can be a lifesaver for exhausted parents. Consider using a co-sleeper bassinet or a bedside crib, which allows your baby to sleep close to you while maintaining a separate sleeping space. This promotes bonding, makes nighttime feedings more convenient, and ensures both you and your baby get the rest you need. I’ve included some Amazon picks below.

Swaddling, Diaper Changing, & Babywearing

These three things are key to conquering your day! Swaddling is a proven technique to help newborns feel secure and calm. Invest in a few good-quality swaddle blankets and learn how to swaddle your baby effectively. Swaddling can recreate the comforting feeling of being in the womb, which often helps babies sleep better and cry less. They may not like it at first and try to fight you every time by wiggling their little arms out, but once you get it right, they will sleep their best sleep. Diaper changes can be frequent and messy, but a few hacks can make the process smoother. Use diaper-changing stations equipped with all the essentials (diapers, wipes, rash cream) in multiple areas of your home to minimize running around. I have diapers in all main areas of our house. It is so convenient so I don’t have to go upstairs just to change him. Babywearing is a game-changer when it comes to multitasking and soothing a fussy baby. Invest in a comfortable baby carrier or wrap that suits your needs. Wearing your baby not only frees up your hands but also helps them feel secure and close to you, reducing crying and promoting bonding. Babywearing has allowed me to clean around the house and walk on our treadmill for light exercise. Some of my Amazon picks are below.

Take Care of YOU!

It's crucial to prioritize self-care during the newborn phase. Remember to seize any opportunity for rest, even if it means taking daytime naps while your baby sleeps. Don't hesitate to reach out to your partner, family, or friends for assistance, allowing yourself breaks to recharge. Taking care of your mental health is just as important for your baby's well-being. Ensure you maintain proper nutrition and hydration and don't hesitate to seek support from online communities or join new parent groups. While cooking may feel overwhelming with a newborn, a little planning can make a significant difference. Consider meal prepping in advance, utilizing slow cookers or instant pots, and relying on quick and healthy recipes to save time and energy. Batch cooking and freezing meals can also provide convenient ready-to-eat options on busy days. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for navigating the challenges of early parenthood and providing the best care for your little one.

When All Else Fails…

This is something many parents find challenging, and I can relate. However, when you've exhausted all your efforts, allowing your baby to cry for a little while is okay. If you've ensured they are fed and changed, and your attempts to comfort them aren't successful, it's acceptable to gently place them down and give them a moment to cry it out. Take a short break, gather yourself, and then return to try comforting them again. This stage of raising a child can be challenging since they can't communicate their needs. But if you've addressed the essential aspects of care, there may be little more you can do at that moment, and it is ok!

Let’s Sum It Up

Navigating the early days with a newborn requires patience, adaptability, and a few survival hacks. Remember, every baby is unique, so find what works best for you and your little one. Establishing routines, embracing co-sleeping, mastering swaddling, optimizing diaper changes, utilizing babywearing, taking care of yourself, and simplifying meal preparation will help you conquer each day with confidence and enjoy this precious time with your newborn. Embrace the journey, trust your instincts, and rock this parenting thing one day at a time!

~Sincerely Supermom

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
— Confucius

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