How I Manage My Day

How I Do What I Do…

A lot of my friends always say that they don’t know how I get so much done with 3 kids and a husband. My response is I genuinely don’t know how I do it. I try to just keep moving and don’t sit still. What works for me is having a routine such as; cleaning the kitchen every morning and night. I create small goals for the day such as cleaning the kid’s bathroom or creating the monthly budget. Also, telling my husband my goals holds me accountable and allows me to feel accomplished once I get them completed. So, let’s get into it.

Create a Routine…

I’ve learned over the years that having a solid routine keeps me productive, and a routine helps me get things accomplished. I know people think routines can be boring, but once you start doing something it becomes a habit. In time, when you don’t follow your routine, something feels off. Every Monday and Tuesday is laundry day for me. Some weeks it may stretch into Wednesday and I tell myself, it’s ok. Let’s be honest, things happen and it won’t be perfect all the time. However, you still have to be committed to keep moving and get it done!

Create Small Goals for the Day…

Give yourself attainable goals to accomplish for the day. Those obtainable goals can be washing a load of clothes, cleaning a room in the house, meal-prepping for the week, or doing some home repairs. Doing those small things gets you one step closer to having a clean house and marking something off the list. Every day choose something new.

Have an Accountability Partner…

Share your goals with someone that will make sure you’re getting them done. My accountability partner is my husband. I usually send him what I plan on doing for the day first thing in the morning. As I get things done, I mark them off the list and I feel so accomplished. I don’t think he cares if I get them done, but for me, it adds the needed pressure and the little kick in the butt I need so I won’t be lazy! So, if that works for you, find you someone that will hold you accountable and send your goals to them. Someone who will make you feel some type of way if you don’t complete them.

What My Day Looks Like…

My day normally starts around 6:30am-7am. I get the kids up, dressed, and fed for school. My husband takes care of the drop-off so, I either go back to sleep or do a little day trading on the stock market. I’m fully awake and on my feet by 9am. I cook breakfast, feed the baby, clean the kitchen, and start processing what I want to accomplish for the day. By 10:30am-11am, I’m working out. I’m usually able to get a 30-45 minute workout done before the baby starts getting fussy for his nap. After my workout, it’s time to sign on for work. I work from 12pm - 9pm. I know the shift sounds crazy, but this was the only way I could stay remote and work from home. So, I had to do what I had to do. On my breaks, I am usually feeding the baby, making lunch, or folding clothes. On my hour lunch, I clean a room in the house, fold more clothes, work on my blog, or workout for a second time. My husband usually handles dinner and getting the kids to bed. This helps because when I get off I can do another round of cleaning in the kitchen, shower, and work on my blog before heading to bed. I like to get everything done during the week because the weekends are busy with bowling, gymnastics, family time, date nights, etc.

We All Get the Same 24 Hours…

At the end of the day, we all get the same 24 hours. It’s all about time management and the motivation to get things done. The question is: What are you going to do with your 24 hours?

~Sincerely Supermom


Fearless AF: New Beginnings, No Regrets


Meet Sincerely Supermom