Sincerely Supermom

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Meet Sincerely Supermom

Short & Sweet

What better way to start this journey than by giving you an introduction to who Sincerely Supermom is, so here goes nothing. I am a 39 year old mother of 3; 2 girls and a handsome baby boy, wife to a wonderful supportive man of 5 years, and I work from home full-time. I enjoy crafting, anything DIY, home decor, bowling, and organization.

Let’s dig a little deeper…

I am a Mortgage Underwriter for one of the top lenders in the country. I have been in the mortgage industry for over 10 years. I can provide all the advice in regards to obtaining a mortgage or refinancing a mortgage. I work from home in this position full-time with my kids. I enjoy being able to do this, but every now and then it can be stressful as I am in a production role.

Bowling has been in my life since I was a child. My entire family bowls and I actually met my husband in one of my bowling leagues. My average currently is 194, but it probably is more like 204. I have been off for a while since having our baby and not bowling as much. However, now that we are done having kids I can get back to it.

I love doing anything DIY. I remodeled our first house from top to bottom. Of course hiring professionals for the things we couldn’t do, but saving money on the little things like changing light fixtures, switching out outlets, changing door hardware, and painting. I enjoy painting, and I have created many different accent walls throughout our home. Just recently my husband and I took on a much bigger project than usual and built a faux fireplace feature wall. That was definitely a test to our marriage… and we SURVIVED!

Crafting entered my life when we had our first baby girl. For her 1st birthday party I didn’t want to spend all of our money on decorations so I started making them myself and fell in love with crafting. I eventually ended up creating a business, and I started selling my crafts on Etsy.

Lastly, I am the organization Queen! My philosophy is, if everything has a home, then you will know where it belongs. Now does everyone in my home follow that method? Absolutely NOT!! It is definitely a work in progress, but you have to start somewhere.

Let’s bring it to a close…

I feel this pretty much sums me up without going overboard. There are more titles I carry that make me “Supermom”, but I don’t want to bore you too soon. My goal in creating this website is to provide another outlook on ways to navigate this title we hold called Mommy.

~Sincerely Supermom